Bori Bori Soup – from Paraguay

Watching Anthony Bourdain in Paraguay — want to make this soup!


bori bori soup from Paraguay

My son is a big laddu fan. So much so that I have gained expertise in turning anything into the laddu-ball shape to entice him to eat it. Typical paruppu-saadam urundai (small balls of dal/lentil and rice) are passé. Fruit balls made with the melon baller, cooked vegetables and rice balls, pulao balls (yes, I’ve made those too!), milk and biscuit balls (those were before he started eating ‘bikki’), roti-sabzi balls – you name it, and I’ve made it all! Funnily enough, you know how he eats the actual boondi laddu? He crumbles the entire laddu, smashes it up even more and then puts each tiny bit by tiny bit into his mouth!

So, if your son is anything like mine or if he likes cheese (anyone who doesn’t?) then this soup will really speak to you. This funny sounding soup looks very interesting and tastes simply wow. It has…

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